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  • Date:2024/08/25 05:30 PM - 2024/10/20 05:30 AM
  • Location 609 Kingsway Road (Map)



We have heard the statement that if you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together. Hence the important of Mentoship:

“Christian mentorship can be defined as an emphatic relationship where a mature adult through compassionate care provides a safe space for a younger person to grow personally and in ministry through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.” - Dr Anthony Jacobs

The outcome of this Equipping Encounter: To enable believers to become a mentor and also to be mentored.

This course will have the following sessions:

Session One: 25 August 2024 at 17:30

Session Two: 8 September 2024 at 17:30

Session Three: 15 September 2024 at 17:30

Session Four: 6 October 2024 at 17:30

Session Five: 13 October 2024 at 17:30

Session Six: 20 October 2024 at 17:30